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Our goal is to provide our customers with the best and newest technologies and products! 

And this requires partners and suppliers who support our work reliably and with high-quality products or services.

In the past decades, we have worked and continue to work to find partners that we and our customers can confidently rely on.

front of house curtain, színpadi előfüggöny
J&C Joel curtains logo

J&C Joel is one of the world's leading manufacturers and distributors of flame-retardant textiles, velvets, and theater curtains.

Their palette also includes tulle, voile materials, and cord curtains. Although J&C Joel is best known for its theater and event technology materials, its velvets and acoustic curtains are also used by interior designers in the interiors of homes, hotels, conference centers, and stadiums. Our company is the exclusive Hungarian distributor of the J&C Joel company!

Contact us for details!

logó Raeder-Busch

Räder-Busch's wheels, castors, and mounting materials are widely used in countless theaters, various event halls, film studios, and other industries in Europe. Our company is the official domestic distributor of Räder-Busch GmbH!

Contact us for details!

színház theatre scenery díszlet kerék wheels castors
színházi láncos emelő, stage chain hoist
ASM chain hoist logo

The chain hoists of the innovative German company and the corresponding controls are made according to the strictest German rules and specifically for stage use. In addition, they help the work of the theaters with a lot of unique mechanical solutions, for example, steel bend hoists, which can even be a useful addition to the machines designed and installed by our company!

Contact us for details!

Milos Systems and, in a broader sense, Area Four Industries, are a group of the world's leading event technology companies. Their product range covers the technological needs of the entire event industry, from mobile stages to trusses and chain hoists. As a distributor, our company helps you choose the right product.

Contact us for details!

színpadtechnika, stage technology truss

Színpad- és Emelőgéptechnika Kft

Budapesti utca 128.




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